Around 6pm we got home from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma where we had picked up my BLM mustang for the Extreme Mustang Makeover! #4473 loaded in the trailer like a champ. About an hour into the trip, we made our first stop for a soda and Bear was chomping on the hay I had for him and looked up with a mouthful, as if to say, "Okay. What next?" Every rest-stop he was quiet and he even stepped toward me in the trailer and smelled my arm! The trip was long, but un-eventful.
He explored his new corral but was very wary of the shelter and never went near that side of the pen. I stood quietly in his pen for about twenty minutes and he came up to me several times to smell and would then walk on by. I could hardly wait for today to come and his training to begin!
Wow! What a great day it's been! I figured that he might be a quiet horse, because he was pretty quiet loading at the facility, but I have been amazed at how willing he has been today. We did well round penning and I was able to get a hand on him after a short time. He has been petted all over, except the hind legs, rubbed down with fly spray, is yielding his hindquarters and leading out six steps in both directions.

I just got back in a few minutes ago from walking up to him at his feeder and petting him down his face so, hopefully, tomorrow it won't take long to get a line on him and review.